Tuesday 8 May 2012

PP3 Answer

Dear all,
Please mark your paper using RED and corrections in GREEN.

1.  3                 2.  2                   3.  3                   4.  2              5.  1               6.  4
7.  3                 8. 3                    9. 1                   10.2             11.  2             12.  3
13.  3             14.  2                 15.  2

16.  629 5/6                  17.  4573               18.  8/11                   19.  8                20.  11/27
21.  2/15                       22.  10                   23.  0.71                   24.  12              25.  91
26.  103                        27.  70                   28.  48                      29.  72              30.  6.5

Total up your score and add it to your PP3 Paper 2 and update me with your total score in the blog.Remember to identify yourself, meaning write your name.

Love you,
Mrs Mak

Sunday 6 May 2012

PP2 Answer

Dear all,
I hope you have completed your Paper2. Check your answers and go through the questions again to discover your misinterpretation of the questions.  Please mark with your RED pen and corrections in GREEN.

1. 684               
2. 48
3. 33.29
4.  28
5. 199
6. 5376
7. 8
8.  225
9. 210
10.  10
11.  135
12.   270
13. 18
14.  $510
15.  21
16a.  390
16b.  57
17a.  567
17b.  9
18.   51

Mrs Mak

Thursday 3 May 2012

Grouping for 4 May 2012 Maths

Dear all,
Please look out for your groups and the asterik(*) indicates the leader.

*Jane , Dipthi, Joshua

Group 2
*Joel, Ashwini, Tristan

Group 3
*Pravin, Hui min, Janice

Group 4
*Vickram, Peter, Bryan

Group 5
*Zane, Luke, Ke Sin

Group 6
*Hafiy, Desmond, Nabilah

Group 7
*Pei Yu, Hao Yuan, Sasi

Group 8
*Dawn, Yi Liang, Naqib

Group 9
* Jia Li, Gabriel, Amrita

Group 10
*Zhi Qian, Dinesh, Javier

Group 11
*Nicholas, Jing Ting, Hui Xuan

Group 12
*Fabian, Jeremy, Jeff

Group 13
* Jocelyn, Corwin, Muneesh

Group 14
*Kyle, Antonio, Pooja