Monday 30 January 2012

Maths Journal WB 6A Pg 19

Dear all,
Look at the journal below:

Kim and Kavita used a calculator to find 8642 + 9328.

Kim's answer is 17 970.
Kavita's answer is 1897.

One of them had keyed in the numbers incorrectly.
How would you use estimation to check whose answer is more reasonable?

Click here to key in your answer.

Love you,
Mrs Mak

Thursday 26 January 2012

Heuristics skill- Multiples

Dear all,
I hope you have understood today's lesson on model drawing for the multiples.

Here is another question for you to work on your paper.

1. Jason bought some pencils for his friends. If he gives each o them 3 pencils, he will have 7 pencils left.
    If he gives each of them 4 pencils, he will have none left.
(a) How many friends does Jason have?
(b) How many pencils did he buy?

Work out this sum using the two methods- Table and model.

2. Craft a question on mulitples. Work out your answer to see if you yourself can solve it first.
Be kind.Do not set a question that demand more than 10 min to solve. Objective is to be able to make use of the model to solve the problem.

Click here to craft your question .

Happy Crafting your question.

Love you,
Mrs Mak


Dear all,
This blog is created especially for you. Let's share our learning online and stay current by checking your blog regularly for any new updates.

Love you,
Mrs Mak